What do YOU eat and what is your exercise routine?
Good questions! No one wants a coach or trainer who doesn’t “walk the talk”. I eat a diet of unprocessed foods containing lots of fruits and veggies, low glycemic starches (rice, buckwheat, oatmeal, sprouted bread, sweet potatoes), healthy fats (avocado, olive oil, nuts, seeds), organic/grass fed meats, free-range poultry, fish, low-fat dairy (greek yogurt, cottage cheese) and pastured eggs.
Am I perfect? Heck no! I believe and teach moderation and DO NOT subscribe to restriction or fad diets. I teach my clients to enjoy “JOY” foods 10% of the time when trying to lose weight. What’s a “JOY” food? It’s the most delicious thing you can imagine eating. My favorite, chocolate macaroons baby!
Current Exercise Schedule (updated 4/2012):
- Tuesday: Stairmill or Treadmill High Intensity Intervals
- Thursday: Jog/Sprint/Walk High Intensity Intervals + Full Body Strength Training/TRX
- Sunday: Jog/Sprint/Walk High Intensity Intervals + Full Body Strength Training/TRX