I’ve been craving peppers lately. In fact, I plan to whip up a batch of Beef, Eggplant & Quinoa Stuffed Peppers tonight. Check out the recipe here.
My pepper craving has me thinking – why do we get tired of certain foods and suddenly crave different ones?
I wish I had the answer, but I honestly have no clue and my google searching has proved fruitless. There are oodles of articles about junk food cravings, but there doesn’t seem to be any research about why we get “bored” with certain foods. Seasonal? A nutrient deficiency?
Last night I decided to write a list of the foods I’m currently tired of and what I’ve been craving – just for fun.
Tired of:
- Apples
- Broccoli
- Cauliflower
- Tomatoes
- Cottage Cheese
- Yogurt
- Eggs
- Avocados
- Red Peppers
- Eggplant
- Shrimp/Scallops
- Walnuts
- Oranges
- Wild Rice
So what’s the point of this blog post you ask?
The point is to invite you to begin paying attention to your body and what it wants. To become a mindful eater. To be curious about the foods you crave and foods that are unappealing. To consciously tune in and listen to your body – because it’s pretty darn wise. And to stop looking for external sources of “wisdom” and tap into your own brilliance instead.
No one knows your body better than you. Stop empowering so-called “experts” and diet book authors to make choices about what’s best for your body and grab hold of the reins.