Guess what? You don’t have to keep a detailed journal full of calories counts and a 1/2 cup of this and 7 grams of that to get results. YOU get to choose the way you journal. And keeping a food journal can be simple or a creative outlet or dare I say – fun.
I see you rolling your eyes. Yes, you. Stay with me.
Research has consistently shown that self-monitoring is one of the most important components of successful weight loss and weight maintenance programs.
It helps to find a way of tracking that makes sense for + appeals to you. You don’t have to count every calorie or gram of protein (unless you really want to).
Pressed for time? You can opt for something super simple. Just write down the time + what you ate. That’s it. Remember the key to success is awareness.
Or – you can embrace your inner artist or photographer or writer.
If you’re into taking pictures of pretty food (like me), check out twogrand. I’ve been using it since February of this year and I’m completely smitten.
Other ideas…
Create a Facebook page to document your food journey.
Creating a Pinterest board for your journals.
Start a blog.
Make your journal pretty + colorful. Use colored pencils. Sketch a bit.
Write about your favorite meal of the day each night.
The possibilities are endless.
Find a way that appeals to you and make journaling part of your daily routine – just like brushing your teeth.
XO ~Robyn
PS: Looking for a fun + creative non-food nurturer to turn to instead of food? Click here.
PSS: You say you want it, but how hard are you trying? Need a kick in the pants? Click here.
Robyn Spurr is a Once Obese Chick, Certified Weight Loss Coach, Personal Trainer and founder of Chickadee Weight Loss.
She helps women learn to manage their emotions without food and reach their healthy, natural weight without all the diet craziness.