Do you sometimes feel like you’re putting a ridiculous amount of energy into trying to lose weight, but getting nowhere? Like a hamster spinning round and round on its wheel.
You’re not alone.
When we decide it’s time to lose weight, we want results and we want them NOW! And the fastest way to get results is to follow some “perfect” diet. Which is true – if you stick with that “perfect” diet long-term.
But we don’t stick with those diets.
Maybe we adhere to it for a few weeks or a few months before our willpower tank hits empty and we devour 47 cookies at Aunt Jane’s cookie exchange.
And once we’ve “screwed up,” we inevitably say, “screw it!”
See if this pattern looks familiar…
- Ooh, shiny new diet!
- Fail at shiny new diet.
- Say screw it.
- Repeat.
Mastery requires practice and repetition. But our brain resists this approach. It wants to try that sexy new diet. It wants the dopamine hit that comes from trying something new.
If you want to change your eating behavior for good, chasing the dopamine high associated with starting over or jumping on the latest diet bandwagon won’t get you there. What will work is good old practice and repetition.
How do you do that? Choose one small healthy habit to focus on at a time. When the habit you’re working on feels “sticky” and solid, add a new one. It’s not sexy, but it works.
I can hear you. But Robyn, it’ll take FOREVER that way!
Let’s say you settle on a habit like eating three servings of fruits or veggies a day and succeed at it 90% of the time. Pretty darn good, right?
Your success generates feelings of confidence + competency and those feelings propel you forward. Then you add a new habit – and you succeed at that one too.
After a year (or two or ten), all those “little” habits add up to big changes – plus you’re not effin’ exhausted.
Still skeptical? Ask yourself this question…
How has what you’ve been doing worked out for you so far?
Before you sign up for yet another get thin quick scheme on January 1st, remember this…
The method you follow consistently is so much better than the “perfect” one you quit.
XO ~Robyn
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It would be an honor to work with you if and when the time feels right.